Criminal Tax Defense
The most serious tax cases are ones in which the government is not just trying to collect money, but is trying to put the taxpayer in prison. Recently, the IRS and the State of California have stepped up criminal investigations and prosecutions of tax crimes. And, changes in federal sentencing guidelines have made tax crimes more serious offenses for which long prison sentences can be imposed.
I have experience handling criminal tax cases. While working for the IRS as a Revenue Agent, I participated in many criminal and potentially criminal tax investigations. Since leaving the government, I have represented clients in administrative criminal tax investigations, grand jury investigation criminal tax investigations, and criminal tax litigation. I am experienced in handling both federal and state criminal tax cases.
In criminal or potentially criminal cases, it is important to engage an attorney as soon as possible and to not discuss the matter with your accountant nor anyone else before speaking to an attorney. Anything you say to your accountant or anyone else before engaging an attorney can be used against you in a criminal tax case. Also, it is important to keep in mind that criminal tax cases are very complicated and highly specialized. Most criminal attorneys do not have the experience and specialized knowledge to deal with tax cases; for this reason, you should make sure you are dealing with a criminal tax attorney, not just a criminal attorney. If you believe you might be involved in a criminal tax case, please contact me or another criminal tax attorney immediately.
I appreciate that you visited me online, and I look forward to helping you. For urgent matters, please call me at (310) 338-0001.
For general inquiries or other questions, email me at
Tell me about your case and request a free consultation.